Friday, November 19, 2010

Back In NYC!!!!!!!

Reporting live from Double Trouble FM

As everybody knows Double Trouble where invited to Jamaica for the Premier Of A DANCE FOR GRACE that was released on NOV 16/2010 and it also was Melpo Mellz birthday so we celebrated  to big thing in one day.
First we would like to say thank you to everybody that came out and supported the movie,and also a BIGGGGGGGGGGGG thank you to all the dancers that was in it.In this trip we played hard but worked even harder.
A lot of times when you try to do good things in life people try to stop you and shit starts to happen , well let me tell you somebody really wasn't happy for me and Mell cause everything that could off gone wrong did, but this is the difference between us and allot of people it will only make us stronger and we will rise even bigger than ever and one thing is for shore we are unstoppable!!!!


A Dance for grace pre party + video shoot


Somebody STOP us

So from our flight being canceled to not getting our luggage to us loosing are phone with very important con tense that we needed  and a whole other shit that went down we still made  to all the interviews, photo shoot, meetings, video shoot and most important our red carpet event.So to all off you that tried to BADMINE us BEEEP BEEP BEEPPPPPPPPPP hahhah. What doesn't kill you only make you stronger.

Time to take it to the nexx level!!!! hahahaha ..if you only knew

To be continued ...

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