Tuesday, June 7, 2011

U stinky ASS - Go get A Spine - Karma is a bitch - LIKE YOU

U stinky ass , Go get a spine or grow some balls, Bcaz u nutten but a bitch, u would do anything to get what u want.

KARMA  is a bitch Like you!!!

Im not the one with attitude and Trouble just becaz Im real- Just telling it How it iz.

People always think we got attitude NO , let me tell something to you !!! We stand for what we believe in so if u think we are trouble makers look twice at urself bcaz u dont know us than!!!!

Song of the Week -

1 comment:

  1. So de ting set. If yuh nuh kiss ass ppl a go say yuh have attitude, true dem nuh get wah yuh have dem a go badmine ouno. Gwan do ouno ting D&T. De more ppl chat ouno name de more famous ouno get!!!
